So, today the BBC are reporting Gordon Brown is up for taking part in a televised debate with the opposition leaders before the next election.

Hmmm. 2 things strike me.

The first is that this is clearly part of a desperate attempt to rescue the election for labour - and I cant see how it will work to be honest. It smells a little of desperation and the political commentators are going to pick up on that.

The second thing is that GB is an awful speaker. I cant imagine he debates well either. Clegg isn't much better but Cameron is (must be all the practice he got at Cambridge) and he can easily take Brown apart without even breaking sweat. If your prime minister you have to actually exhibit common sense at some point; recognise your weakness. If your personality is that of a grumpy, damp squib then a live televised debate is NOT an arena for you to shine in. It's going to be an embarrassment.

Brown, here's some free advice.

If you want to run a country act like a leader. Recognise your failings, stay a bit aloof and for gods sake if you ever storm off out of a TV interview again I swear to god..... (you wanted this gig - so do it properly!)