When I was a little younger (though only a little) I used to tell people "I will be a millionaire by 25 and retired at 30". Eventually I realised it was less an actual goal than something to help with motivation. And yet later I realise that, at the age of 23, it's unlikely to really happen.

Best of all; that's great.

Don't get me wrong, a few million would be swell. But I can't imagine that being a millionaire before your thirty and then retiring is a very fulfilling life.

I keep seeing blog posts with explosive titles like "How I retired at age 25", "An 18 year old Millionaire", "I never have to work again". Most of these people strike me as individuals who have spent the better part of their late teens and early twenties pursuing opportunities and looking for "the money". When they make it the immediate desire seems to be "buy a big house, retire". Then you get the commenters who generally seem to be in awe of this ability to make a bit of cash; and all seem to want to achieve the same life of leisure.

Fine, fair enough. But aren't you sacking off your potential a little?

You have the capacity to make money, lots of it. Why stop at a few million - why not a billion. And think what you could do with that money. Bill gates is the poster boy example here - super super rich, and now giving away a lot of that cash to charity and global improvements. There are others too - and plenty from the newer generations still working, still making capital that they might work with later. But we should have more money makers aiming to do this - make a packet, provide for your family and then doing something good for the world.

Philanthropy like this is important. Charities are great ways for the collective to improve our world - but an individual can have drive, focus, passion and cut through beurocracy. He/She can move in high social circles and convince important people to do good things. They can donate huge sums at once to places that need it and so on.

So, make a million before your 30 - it's a smashing idea and you'll be able to do all sorts of things you wouldn't otherwise do. But don't retire. Keep at it, make a fortune and then make the world a better place.

That's my new goal anyway, seeing as I wont make my original. :) Aim high.