Sad to see Stephen Hawking in hospital "seriously ill" after fighting his disease for 40 years. I wish him the best of luck.

And then I see this on Twitter:

What am I doing? Praying that when Stephen Hawking dies, he gets to meet the Creator of the universe that he seems to know so much about...
How evil can you get. Here we have what looks like a devout conservative gun nut laying in to one of the greatest minds of our generation as he lies ill in hospital. Now I am not one to try and stop people having opinions - and he is welcome to dislike Hawking and what he stands for - but at least have the GUTS to say it when Hawking has the chance to respond (should he deign to).

Lets weigh up the relative contributions to society of these 2 men. Hawkings is a brilliant physicist and has furthered his chosen field as much as any man possibly could over a long illustrious career. The other runs a website waffling on about his 2nd amendment rights to wave a gun around. Now far be it for me to pass comment on US gun laws but I certainly think he needs to *read* the second ammendment.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Before he says things like:
If the liberal mass media defended and interpreted the Second Amendment as they have the First Amendment, firearm ownership and daily carry of firearms would be mandatory for every citizen at least sixteen (16) years of age.
Mandatory? Where did he get that idea from... how is forcing *everyone* to carry a gun any better than stopping everyone from carrying a gun.

Now I wouldnt usually rant about his views on this because I dont really care either way. BUT he's publicly posting disgusting hate messages on Twitter so I thnk he has given us the right to analyse his evilness.

What a complete idiot - these people should be banned from spreading hate on Twitter.